Post lockdown driving surge expected

A study conducted by a national car parking space rental service revealed that public transportation use will likely decline after lockdown measures are lifted.
YourParkingSpace asked over 3,000 people if the unprecedented lockdown period had made them increasingly, or less, likely to jump on the public transport network. Just 2.8% of respondents said they would be using buses, trams and trains more. 50% confirmed they’d look to other forms of transportation.
Instead of relying on public travel operators, 40% indicated they planned on driving more than compared with before the restrictions came into effect.
With the uptake in motorists, it is thought there will be a higher demand for car parking spaces. The brand’s Managing Director, Harrison Woods, is predicting a growing customer base, as people list their own vacant parking spots for rent.
“Empty parking spaces and driveways not being used by households can provide one solution to cope with the anticipated surge by providing extra capacity. Not only this, they are often cheaper than traditional car parks and just as conveniently located”, Harrison explained.
How accurate is the survey?
Just how true to life are these figures? The site has over 350,000 parking spaces listings currently and with 3,000 surveyees, it should serve as a somewhat realistic cross section of car owner’s intentions.
Could parking spaces become scarce?
Parking spots aren’t always what you’d describe as plentiful, especially at peak times. Fortunately, some vehicles will help take the stress out of parking up.
This 2019 Range Rover has a clear exit monitor that lets you know when it is safe to open your door and leave the vehicle. It also has a parking heater, to keep the engine bay warm and help prolong the powerplant’s life. It also has a 360-degree surround camera and parking aid, meaning you should be able to squeeze into snug spaces, without the worry of bumping your 4x4. It even has an urban parking assistant that automatically manoeuvres your Range Rover into a space, using onboard sensors. Using the InControl app, you can check the weather, pre-program your sat-nav and search parkopedia for a place to safely park your Range Rover. It includes parking space information for 6,000 cities and 40 countries.
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